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A Gracious Host is a story event in the Lion God Expansion rule book.

Event Text[]

The worm's whispers overwhelm you, compelling you to consume it.

The worm's arrival in the settlement coincided with a dark feeling in the back of your mind, a feeling that has only grown over time. As the days went by, you found yourself alone with the worm more and more often, standing over it in a stupid, hypnotic state. Embarassed and confused, you kept this behavior a secret from the settlement until it was too late.

Nominate the survivor with the highest insanity (randomize in case of ties) to Ingest.


roll 1d10.

1d10 Result
1 - 2 Your eyes bulge as the worm's toxins course through you. Your veins burst, emptying out into a pool of silver. You are dead. Add 2 Broken Lantern resources to the settlement's storage.
3 - 6 Just as you are about to eat the worm, you hesitate as if snapping out of a trance. Your mind clear, you suddenly find yourself face-to-face with the horrific parasite. Screaming, you cast it to the ground. As it slithers away, you wonder why you didn't kill it.
7 - 10 Death's Embrace

You feel your jaw dislocate, and the blood vessels in your throat and chest cavity burst as the gigantic worm somehow forces its way into your body. Your veins burn as if being replaced by currents of white-hot silver. Through the agony, you suddenly understand the source of the Lion God's immortality... and madness. The settlement loses The Knowledge Worm innovation. Archive it and gain the Necromancer secret fighting art!

If you rolled a 4 - 6: If the settlement has innovated Sacrifice, you face your fate without hesitation. Proceed to Death's Embrace!
