Kingdom Death Wiki

Oracu11um Oracu11um 26 October 2024

Updating images

My scans look goofy. When my images upload into the wiki, they look more saturated than a sponge that was assaulted by a squid, even though I've used an industrial scanner @ 600dpi full color.

They don't look "terrible", but compared to the previous images, those had clean and had sharp colors. They look to me like electronic files that were never copied.

I'm trying to update all the pages with pictures to look more uniform and consistent. As well as add pictures where pages had none. These scan are the best I can figure out.

If anyone that was once on the wiki has any advice, notes, or ideas for me to improve my images, I am open to any helpful criticism. The older (cleaner) images remain in the logs, so we will never lose them, and anyone c…

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Sakhir Aljanni Sakhir Aljanni 21 August 2023

Day 1: Crimson crocodile

Crimson Crocodile Page Updated with lore, card lists, and table for stats, linked pages create for the crimson crocodile indomitable resources and the terrified survivor status alongside immortal presence

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