Resources are a card type found in Kingdom Death: Monster. Survivors collect resources to develope their settlements and craft gear. There are 4 kinds of resources: Basic Resources. Monster Resources, Strange Resources, and Vermin Resources. Indomitable Resources were introduced in the Gambler's Chest Expansion.
All resources have shared types. Resource types include: bone, hide, organ, scrap, herb, vermin, and consumable.. Some costs are listed by type (e.g. 3x bone and 2x organ) and any resource of that type may be spent. For instance, a Lion Claw monster resource may be spent as bone. However, some costs list specific respurces by name. No substitutions may occur in these cases. If a recipe has "resource" listed as a cost, then any resource card can be used.
When a resource is spent, archive the corresponding card or remove its entry form the settlement's storage.
Basic Resources[]

Monster Hide Basic Resource card back/front, from Core set.
The core game contains 21 basic resources, but additional basic resources (e.g. Perfect Bone, Lump of Atnas, etc.) have been added to the game through expansion content. Survivors earn them from events and defeating monsters.
Monster Resources[]

White Lion's Lion Claw Monster Resource card back/front, from Core set.
Monster resource cards are only gained from fighting that type of monster. There are seperate decks for all huntable monsters.
Strange Resources[]

Fresh Acanthus Strange Resource card back/front, from Core set.
Strange resource cards are resources that are only gained in specific circumstances. These are unique and difficult to come by. Strange resources can be extremely rare monster part, refined metals, and useful herbs. Gain strange resources as directed by events in the game.
Strange resources are not considered part of a monster's pool of resource cards.
Vermin Resources[]

Crab Spider Vermin Resource card back/front, from Core set.
The fauna of Kingdom Death has a variety of small, bizarre species. These are represented by vermin resource cards. They can be found in Bug Patches during showdowns and sometimes as a result of events. Vermin cards have rules that describe how each vermin can be used. Vermin can also be cooked using the Cooking innovation to produce excellent results!
Survivors Gaining Resources[]

White Lion's Overgrown Dewclaw Indomitable Resource card back/front, from the Longclaw Lenore Indomitable Survivor expansion set.
When a survivor gains a resource, draw a card from the appropriate resource deck and place it next to their gear grid in the play area. The survivor is now carrying this resource. It has no effect on the survivor's ability to fight or hunt.
Any resources a survivor gains during the hunt and showdown are places beside the survivor's gear grid. Survivors may spend these resources or activate a resource's rules at any time during these phases.
If resources are gained during the Settlement Phase, place them in the play area.
Groups Gaining Resources[]
When a monster is defeated, the players collect the rewards listed on the monster's story event. All living survivors need to decide how to divide them. Sharing and spending resources will greatly affect the outcomes of your campaign. Some groups may divide resources fairly, then trade them. Others may pool resources together and spend them as a group.
Resource Limit[]
When you are directed to gain a resource and that specific card is not currently in the resource deck, you do not gain it, nor do you add it to the settlement storage. You gain nothing.
This situation can occur when an event or effect of a card lists a specific resource to fain, and that resource is currently being carried by a survivor.
Resources and Death[]
When a survivor dies, or is lost during the Hunt Phase, another survivor simply takes the resources they were carrying.
When a survivor dies during the showdown, any resources they were carrying are regained by the group at the end of the showdown during the Aftermath if the survivors were victorious.
When all survivors die, all resources they were carrying are lost.
Resources with Special Rules[]
Some resources have special rules. They can be performed at any time and during any phase by the survivor holding the resource. Some resources have rules that are triggered when they are gained and should be performed then.
A resource must be removed from settlement storage to use its special rules. A survivor may only do this during the Develop stage of the Settlement Phase.
Trading Resources[]
Sometimes a survivor will gain a resource with special rules that may greatly benefit another survivor.
During the Hunt Phase, survivors may give each other resources at the start of any hunt turn before an event is revealed.
During the Showdown Phase, survivors may give each other resources anytime during their act if they are adjacent. A survivor can pass a resource as they are moving by without ending their movement.
During the Settlement Phase, survivors may freely trade resources.
When a survivor receives a resource from another survivor, it is not considered gained.
Resources Stay in the Settlement[]
Once resources are brought to the settlement, they may not be taken on future hunts and showdowns. Any resources taken from the settlement's storage must be returned during the Record & Archive Resources step of the Settlement Phase.
Crab Spider -
Perfect Crucible -
Elder Cat Teeth -
Legendary Horns (Strange Resource) -
1,000 Year Sunspot -
Black Skull -
Love Juice -
Leather (Strange Resource)
All items (184)
- Salt
- Sarcophagus
- Scarab Shell
- Scarab Wing
- Scell
- Second Heart
- Serrated Fangs
- Shadow Ink Gland
- Shadow Tentacles (Resource)
- Shark Tongue
- Shimmering Halo
- Shimmering Mane
- Shining Liver
- Sighing Bloom
- Silken Nervous System
- Silver Urn
- Sinew
- Skull
- Small Appendages
- Small Feathers
- Small Hand Parasites
- Small Sunteeth
- Spinnerets
- Stink Lung
- Stomach
- Stomach Lining
- Stout Kidney
- Sunshark Blubber
- Sunshark Bone
- Sunshark Fin
- Sunstones
- Sword Beetle