- (X)d10
- 1,000 Year Sunspot
- 10,000 Teeth
- 10th Anniversary Survivors
- 10th Anniversary White Speaker
- 2 Acanthus Plants
- 2 Salt Sculptures
- 2 Tall Grass
- 3,000 Year Sunspot
- 3 Stone Columns
- ???
- AI Card
- AI Deck
- A Crone's Tale
- A Familiar Face
- A Gracious Host
- A Strange Spot
- A Warm Virus
- A White Speaker's Sojourn
- Abandoned Resin Ball
- Abilities
- Absent Seizures
- Absolute
- Absorb
- Absorbing Roots
- Abyssal Sadist
- Abyssal Woods
- Abyssal Woods Expansion
- Acanthus Doctor
- Acanthus Underwear
- Acceleration
- Accept Darkness
- Accessory
- Accuracy
- Achilles Tendon
- Acid-Tooth Dagger
- Acid Blood Discharge
- Acid Bombs
- Acid Gland
- Acid Palms
- Acid Rain
- Acid Storm
- Acrobatics
- Act
- Action
- Activation
- Activation Limit X
- Active Thyroid
- Actualize
- Adjacent
- Adjudicator
- Advance
- Adventure Sword
- Aerial transfusion
- Affinity
- Affinity Bonus
- After Damage
- After Hit
- Afterdeath Brew
- Afterdeath Brew (Gear)
- Afterdeath Brew (Pattern)
- Aftermath
- Age
- Ageless
- Ageless Apprentice
- Aggravated Bite
- Aggression Overload
- Agility Fighter
- Aichmophobia
- Aim
- Air Slam
- Albedo
- Alert
- Alerts
- All Survivors
- All is Ash
- Allison the Twilight Knight
- Almanac
- Altered Destiny
- Amber
- Amber Edge
- Amber Poleaxe
- Ambidextrous
- Ambitionism
- Ambush
- Ammo - Bow
- Ammo Slave
- Ammonia
- Ammunition
- Amnesia
- An Uninvited Guest
- Analtorium
- Analyze
- Ancient Bite
- Ancient Fur Cape
- Ancient Indigestion
- Ancient Light
- Ancient Lion Claws
- Ancient Root
- Ancient Stare
- Ancient Tusks
- Animate
- Antelope Mask
- Antler-Gouged
- Anxiety
- Apathetic
- Apostle Crown
- Apotheosis
- Apotheosis (Female)
- Apotheosis (Male)
- Appel
- Applause
- Aquarobics
- Arachnid Heart
- Arachnophobia
- Arc
- Arc Bow
- Arc People of the Stars
- Arc People of the Sun
- Arc Survivor
- Architect Beta Build
- Archive
- Archivist
- Arena
- Arithmophilia
- Arm of the First Tree
- Armor
- Armor Points
- Armor Set
- Armor Set Bonus
- Armor Spikes
- Armored Back
- Armored Fist
- Armored Pig Shoulder
- Armored Strangers
- Armorsmith's Tongs
- Armorsmith's Tongs (Seed Pattern)
- Arms
- Aromatic Breeze
- Arrival
- Arrow
- Ashen Armageddon
- Ashen Assault
- Ashen Blow
- Ashen Claw Strain
- Ashen Return
- Ashen Shears
- Assassinator
- Astute
- Atelophobia
- Atmospheric Change
- Atnas
- Atomic Conclusion
- Attack
- Attack Effects
- Attack Pattern
- Attack Profile
- Attack Roll
- Attenuating Weeds
- Attribute
- Attribute Modifier Token
- Audience
- Automatic Hit
- Autothysis
- Auxiliary Eyes
- Awake
- Away
- Axe
- Axe (King's Man AI Card)
- Axe Blade
- Axe Proficiency
- Aya's Spear
- Aya's Sword
- Azure Knight
- Baby and the Sword
- Back
- Back Kick
- Backdraft
- Backhand
- Backside Kick
- Backslap
- Backspin Shot
- Backstabber
- Backstabbing Stone
- Bad Vibrations
- Bad Water
- Badge
- Balcony
- Ball Top Spin
- Ballad of the Butcher
- Baller
- Balm
- Bandages
- Banquet Trees
- Barbaric
- Barbed X
- Barber Surgeon
- Bash
- Basic Action
- Basic Hunt Event
- Basic Resources
- Bat Around
- Battle-Scarred Arms
- Battle Pressure
- Battle Tempo
- Beacon Shield
- Bear Fruit
- Beast's Back
- Beast's Brow
- Beast's Chest
- Beast's Ear
- Beast's Elbow
- Beast's Femur
- Beast's Flank
- Beast's Heel
- Beast's Knee
- Beast's Maw
- Beast's Paw
- Beast's Ribs
- Beast's Scapular Deltoid
- Beast's Tail
- Beast's Temple
- Beast's Tricep
- Beast Hunter Armor
- Beast Hunter Helm
- Beast Knuckle
- Beast Kunai
- Beast Steak
- Beast of Caratosis
- Beast of Sorrow
- Bed
- Beetle Flight
- Beetle Horn
- Beetle Strength
- Before Damage
- Before the Wall
- Beheaded Corpse
- Belching Bagpipe
- Bell of Challenge
- Belt of Gender Swap
- Berserker
- Berserker (Butcher AI Card)
- Berserker (Fighting Art)
- Beta Content
- Beta Gear
- Beyond the Wall
- Big Bite Costume
- Big Bite Costume (Gear)
- Big Bite Costume (Pattern)
- Binge Eating
- Biophoton Feast
- Bird-Brained
- Bird Beak
- Bird Bread
- Birth
- Birth of Color
- Birth of a Savior
- Bite
- Bite (Butcher AI Card)
- Bite (Screaming Antelope AI Card)
- Biting Spleen
- Bitter Frenzy
- Black Blood
- Black Friday Black Grab Bag of Death
- Black Friday Lantern
- Black Friday Ninja
- Black Ghost Dagger
- Black Ghost Dagger (Gear)
- Black Ghost Dagger (Pattern)
- Black Guard Code
- Black Guard Style
- Black Harvest
- Black Knight
- Black Knight Squire (Female)
- Black Knight Squire (Male)
- Black Lens
- Black Lichen
- Black Mask
- Black Out
- Black Skull
- Black Sword
- Black to Blue
- Blacken
- Blackened Lanterns
- Blackout
- Blacksmith
- Blackstar Bikini (Gear)
- Blackstar Bikini (Pattern)
- Bladder
- Bladed Kick
- Bladed Leaf
- Bladed Leaf Tornado
- Bladed Parry
- Blast Shield
- Blast Sword
- Bleed X
- Bleeding Corpse Lily
- Bleeding Heart
- Bleeding Token
- Blind
- Blind Spot
- Blindside
- Blistering Plasma Fruit
- Blistering Star
- Block Formation
- Block X
- Blood-Drunk Crimson Crocodiles
- Blood Compass Lantern
- Blood Diamond Tear
- Blood Drinker
- Blood Growth
- Blood Lure
- Blood Pack
- Blood Paint
- Blood Plasma Gun
- Blood Plasma Katana
- Blood Pool
- Blood Sheath
- Blood Siphon
- Blood Stool
- Bloodglass Cleaver
- Bloodglass Dagger
- Bloodglass Katar
- Bloodglass Longsword
- Bloodglass Saw
- Bloodletting
- Bloodline
- Bloodlust
- Bloodskin
- Bloodthirsty
- Bloody Claw
- Bloody Eyes
- Bloodzerker
- Bloom
- Bloom Sphere
- Blotted Out
- Blue Charm
- Blue Lantern
- Blue Lens
- Blue Power Core
- Blue Ring
- Body
- Body Blow
- Body Check
- Boiling Darkness