Strange Caravan is a story event in the Lion Knight Expansion rule book.
Event Text[]
Camped outside the Lion Knight's view, the retinue unpack a caravan of trash and treasures. The trick is figuring out which is which. Each one beckons passing survivors to inspect their wares. Choose one member of the retinue to approach and nominate a survivor.
The Stoic Seamstress[]
The first member of the retinue motions you over, performing a pantomime of promises and threats. She holds out her hand, waiting for you to comply with her instructions.
Nominate a survivor with 3+ understanding to offer payment and become the retinue's Mannequin.
1x White Lion Fur, 1x Shank Bone, 1x Love Juice
The settlement gathers around the Mannequin, excitedly pouring over their delicate sophisticated ensemble. They gain +1 courage.
1x Lion Testes, 1x Beast Steak, 1x Scrap
The settlement gathers around the Mannequin, admiringly. They gain the Leader fighting art.
1x Phoenix Finger, 1x Curious Hand, 1x ???
The settlement trembles before the Mannequin's fearsome arrangement. They gain +1 permanent strength.
The Silent Barterer[]
The second member of the retinue, sitting among chests brimming with bric-a-brac, beckons you over, measuring you thoughtfully with her eyes. When she is through, she cocks her head expectantly and holds out her empty hand, waiting for your offer.
Nominate a survivor to offer a weapon or armor gear for trade. Archive it and roll 1d10.
1d10 | Result |
1 | You look away for a second and the gear is gone! The second member of the retinue stares at you blankly and shrugs. Suffer -1 permanent luck unless the gear you traded has the other keyword. |
2 - 5 | The second member of the retinue sntaches the item, offering a squirming, hissing, ornate matchbox in return. Gain a random vermin resource. If the gear has the set keyword, also gain the Wardrobe Expert fighting art. |
6 - 9 | An offer is presented, but there is no telling what it is. After pondering it, you smash it in frustration. Gain 2 basic resources. If the gear you traded had any monster resources in its cost, also gain a random resource from that monster. |
10 | After silent deliberation, one of the retinue members rummages through a trunk and pulls out a mask. If the gear you traded has the weapon keyword, gain the Man Mask gear. If the gear has the armor keyword, gain the God Mask gear. |
The Impish Archivist[]
The third member of the retinue motions you over to peer inside the pages of her book. The spreads depict a number of comically dangerous techniques. Choose one of the following:
- Archive 1 Whistling Mace gear and gain +1 permanent strength
- Suffer the blind severe injury and gain the Tenacious fighting art.
- Archive 3 gear cards, all crafted from different settlement locations and gain the Headliner fighting art.
- Remove the hamstrung severe injury and gain the following impairment: Thin-Skinned: You cannot gain insanity for any reason.